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converting color to black and white (advanced)

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12:49:50 PM
This technique is much more complicated than simply dropping the color imformation. It allows you to use colored filters to change the way the
black and white image looks. Keep in mind this is an advanced technique
and there is a Photoshop bug to frustrate you.
Switch to the Channels view. If you don't know how to do that you may
have trouble further on.
Turn off all of the channels except for the one that you want. Using red
is similar to using a red filter. (you will need to combine filters
later if you want intermediate colors like yellow)
Make sure that the channel is the only one selected.
Hit CTRL-A to select the entire window and click CTRL-C to copy the contents
of the window. This copies the black and white channel data onto the clipboard
Switch to the Layers tab...
And click on the "middle" icon to add a new layer...(it is the middle one of
the three at the bottom)
Click on the new layer and Click CTRL-V to paste down the Black and White
channel data.
Feel free to repeat the steps with another channel but keep in mind that there
is a bug in Photoshop that it won't actually load the data into the internal
clipboard and therefore you'll still have the last channel's data. The solution
is to copy the data, then switch to another application and switch back. The
mouse will change to an hourglass for a split second and the new data will be
on the internal clipboard. Annoying bug... Anyway you can play with the
filters by changing the opacity of the different layers.
converting color to black and white (advanced)

converting color to black and white (advanced)

converting color to black and white (advanced)

converting color to black and white (advanced)

converting color to black and white (advanced)

converting color to black and white (advanced)

converting color to black and white (advanced)

converting color to black and white (advanced)

converting color to black and white (advanced)

> Archives > Discussion > Lessons > advanced photoshop skills > converting color to black and white (advanced)

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