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New Note

Leah, I used to use an old Nikon CoolScan-II slide scanner (inside photoshop). It cost roughly 600$ and the quality wasn't good by today's standards. However it was much better than a flatbed scanner. (negatives have twice the color depth of a print so you are better off scanner negs).
A few times I paid a shop to scan in my negs...but it cost roughly .5-1$ and image. On top of that, the quality was only marginally better than my Coolscan.
Now I use a macro lens on my digital camera, a custom tripod and a custom little lightbox. The light box is actually an empty box with a hole cut in the top (the size of a 35mm image). Inside is a round florescent bulb. The quality is much better than any other technique I have ever used...and it is SOOOOO much faster. I make sure to use a blank piece of negative for white balance and bracket to get the exposure right...but beyond that it is as simple as shooting a few images of the negs.

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