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grass skipper

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It is some kind of grass skipper, which you can tell by how the wings are held. Skippers count as butterflies, but they are distinct from 'true butterflies'.

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This one was quite unusually tolerant of me today. Wing patterns in enough detail I could probably look up the species... Anyway, let's hope the what's-new chooses to display it.

LATER: Looks at some pictures, but nobody has as much orange on them as this one does... that's all right; means it was special...

One site used the word "specimen" a lot, and many of their pictures were spread-eagle, pinned above cards. It's so sad to see one splayed out like that, since only a corpse does that...
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I read somewhere that woodland skipper is a good guess hereabouts, and they do at least have the light fringiness... I don't dare promise anything about markings in general...
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